Vale Deb Rawlings
PCNA was very sad to hear of the recent death of Deb Rawlings who will be known to so many who work within palliative care across Australia. Deb worked within palliative care clinically and academically for many decades and contributed deeply to improving palliative care across Australia. Those who worked with and knew Deb, know she retained a clear focus on what was needed for patients with palliative care needs, and their families as well as what was needed to support clinicians working to provide optimal care.
Deb was a palliative care nursing leader and key contributor to many of the national palliative care projects inclusive of CareSearch, PCOC and End of Life Essentials. She was unafraid to explore new models of care and new ways of sharing knowledge with compassion and will be remembered by many who participated in the Dying2Learn MOOCs. She was also a key member of the Flinders University Research Centre for Palliative Care, Death and Dying. In addition to these roles, Deb supported PCNA both as a member of the management committee and a long-term member. She was a wise and caring colleague who led several key pieces of work in addition to her provision of thoughtful feedback to support others where needed.
PCNA would like to acknowledge Deb for all her work in supporting palliative care across our nation. We send our thoughts and support to Deb’s family and friends at this time. Vale Deb – you made a huge difference to this world and will be missed.